
Small and medium enterprises can now subscribe to Microsoft’s e-mail and collaboration solutions online, for $10 per user per month.

All one needs to do is log on to the online services center, add the chosen services that could range from Exchange Online Standard, SharePoint Online Standard, Office Communication Online and Office Live Meeting Standard, to their shopping cart.

Microsoft has announced the commercial availability of the online services offering from prices starting at $2 per user per month for deskless workers. This is something really unique offering from Microsoft for users within the enterprise traditionally neglected by IT departments due to software licensing costs. Deskless workers include people in the shop floor, truck drivers, factory workers, etc. A smaller business can access the suite online and start using it for a monthly subscription whereas mid or large companies can migrate from their legacy systems with the help of partners like ISHIR.

While the standard BPOS suite will cost the $10 per user per month, they could choose individual offerings at the rate of $5 per user per month for Exchange Online, $5.25 per user per month for SharePoint. The subscription fee for Office Communication Online is $2 per month per user and for Office Live Meeting is $4.50 per user per month.  Now there is a cost-effective way for your entire organization to communicate and collaborate.  You can adjust the mix of Standard and Deskless offerings to suit your needs and budgets.

As part of Microsoft Software + Services offering the customers will have the option to use flexible models of accessing enterprise wide software, both on premise and off the internet or a combination of both, at low prices. ISHIR already has over 100 businesses on board in the 30 day trial period. Clients already in trial claim that their businesses can experience increased operational efficiency and the savings could be between 10 and 50 per cent of the information technology costs depending their existing IT costs.

The mid to larger enterprises will now be able to leverage a combination of on premise and on the cloud based solution to bring about efficiencies and cost cutting benefits, not to mention be able to re-purpose their IT resources to more strategic initiatives within the IT organization.

To sign up for a 30 day risk free trial please visit

To learn about the services please visit

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