
Microsoft has agressively cut its per user per month list price for Exchange Online and SharePoint services and cut by 33 percent the price of its Business Productivity Online Services suite of online productivity applications.

The pricing of Microsoft Exchange Online from US $10 per user per month to US $5 for Exchange Online is significant because it brings Microsoft Exchange Online much closer to the price Google charges for its Google Apps Premier Edition (GAPE) suite that is anchored by Gmail product.

In addition to the price change, Microsoft said allowable mailbox sizes would go from 5GB to 25GB, a move that ups Microsoft’s stake “bottomless” inbox war with other online email providers.

The pricing for Microsoft Sharepoint Online will now cost US $5.25 per from US $7.25 per user per month.

Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) was previously priced at US $15 per user and will now be priced at US $10 per user. This is a very agressive move from Microsoft to further build on the momentum it has gotten from the launch of its Microsoft Online Services offering which entirely driven and demanded by Microsoft clients.

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