
10 Years of Delivering Excellence

On this day our vision turned into reality and our journey began. ISHIR India started on February 1st 2000 and has grown from a garage start up to a diversified services outsourcing company with expertise in the Casino Gaming industry as well as the Digital Marketing and Technology Business Solutions.

We started with an idea that evolved into what ISHIR stands for today. The quest for finding a niche in our business led us to Casino Gaming, Search and Technology solutions. The last ten years have been challenging, fun, memorable and full of learning. The fresh challenges and learning’s have kept ISHIRites motivated and helped evolve ISHIR.

People have been our greatest assets at ISHIR. ISHIRites and ex-ISHIRites have greatly contributed to the success of ISHIR and worked against all odds to make what seemed impossible, possible.

Their aspirations, team spirit, commitment and a great value system have been the driving force behind ISHIR’s success.

Our clients have entrusted ISHIR to solve their unique business problems and given us the opportunity to become their trusted advisers. We would like to thank all our wonderful clients that we have worked with and have supported our growth in the last decade.

Having matured in business in the last ten years, we plan to make our next 10 years even more focused in our core areas of business. We look forward to our journey ahead. We are glad we have the support of our people and esteemed clients to make that journey possible.

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