
With smartphones taking the majority share in mobile phone usage in America this year, it’s easy to see that the future of web is mobile. Home to more than 4 billion connected smartphones; statistics show that mobile use will overtake desktop traffic by 2014. This implies that no matter what kind of business you have, you will have to create a mobile website to reach to your audience.


Moreover, there are number of other reasons that are enough to convince you that your business needs a mobile website. 



Users’ Inclination towards Smartphones
While the first iPhone was introduced in the year 2007, the popularity of smartphones has grown drastically since then. Today, more than half of the US users own a smartphone and use it majorly to browse the Internet. In the coming years, this ratio would increase even more and as mentioned above will also overtake the desktop traffic. Seeing the future, it is really significant for developers to create a mobile website.


Mobile Users Look for Simplified Browsing Experience
If your website is difficult to read on any mobile device such as an android, iPhone or tablet, then chances are, customers would not be able to find the information they are looking for. With smartphones rendering full websites, mobile users access a site that loads quickly, navigates easily and contains plenty of functions and sections that are pertinent to them.


Rapidly Increasing Mobile Traffic
According to the statistics available, mobile devices makes up about 20% of all the US web traffic. This implies that one out of every five visitors to websites in the US is using a mobile device to do so. This rapidly increasing mobile traffic shows that how important it has become for developers to create a mobile website of their own.


Smartphones Driving E-Commerce
In a recent study conducted by experts, it has been found out that more and more users are making purchases on their phones and this percentage is increasing at a rapid pace. Not only this, mobile users also plan their trips using their mobile phones.


Higher Search Rankings
A business with both a standard site and a mobile-friendly website enjoys a distinct advantage over businesses that do not have a mobile site. Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Yellow Pages and other search engines and directories rank mobile-optimized businesses higher than their competition.


No Need to Create Separate Mobile Apps for Different Mobile Platforms
Mobile apps have changed the way business was done. Many companies are using mobile apps to boost brand awareness and affinity. It is a general notion that a mobile app is only compatible with the platform it is created for.  And if you want your app to work on an iPhone, Android and Blackberry, three different apps will need to be developed. However, with a mobile website, a single version will work across all mobile platforms. This proves beneficial as your development costs reduce to a major extent. 


In nutshell, as search continues to go mobile, more and more commerce will take place from your customers’ smartphones and tablets. Taking advantage of the opportunity, no business can afford to miss out on having a mobile website.


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