
Whether we like it or not mobile, precisely, smartphone is fast becoming the most preferred method of browsing the web. According to the statistics available, out of over one billion smartphone users worldwide, 84% of them use smartphones to browse the web. Out of these, 25% mobile users use mobile almost exclusively – that means no desktops or laptops.


The statistics show how important it has become for developers to build a mobile-friendly website. In the early days of mobile, it was common for developers to develop multiple versions of their website in order to make it mobile-friendly. But now, with the fast changing technology, the easiest and least expensive ways are available to make sure that your site is accessible to all the mobile people.



Mobile Experience

In order to make sure that your site is accessible to a wide range of users; you need to give them a perfect mobile experience. The things that wreck a mobile experience include popups, tabs, dropdown menus and flash. You should always disable all these things on your mobile site if you wish to capture the population that does not access mobile sites due to these hindrances.


Tweaking Content

Do not forget that mobile devices are smaller and it gets frustrating for users to go through gigantic blocks of text on a regular monitor, let alone on those tiny screens. You need to tweak your content a bit to make it easier for users to access. For instance, you can use big, clear headings for your content to give a fair idea to the users about the content and you can use bulleted list and other formatting to make your text more scanable.  


Checking Out Speed

Your mobile website is of no use if it is taking too much of time to load. Thus, make sure that your site loads quickly by using a service like ‘Page Speed’. The speed of the site can also be increased by removing all the junk from it.


Using Responsive Design

Responsive design simply means that your website adapts to whatever device and screen size it is being viewed on. Its result can be the most efficient; however, you will need a designer or a coder to adapt it.


Mix together these tactics with a good chunk of development acumen and you end up with a consistent, intelligent website with prioritized content that users can access with minimal scrolling, resizing and panning. Experts in web development domain, it’s our job at ISHIR to approach each project with a strategic eye, working with clients to find the best solutions to meet our client’s business goals — today and for the future.


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