
In social media industry, it is always mandatory working on two important aspects: creating a better customer experience and meeting customer’s demands. Many new updates launched in last week are focused on both of these.


A Better TweetDeck Platform

Twitter chat management tool TweetDeck, also received ‘a lighter and simpler design’ is moving forward on this simple idea with its latest update.


The first new feature is the docked panel on left sidebar including new tweet, scheduled post, image addition and direct messaging with the help of panel buttons. Other important features includes a reply function where users can reply to multiple tweeters in a single thread not being the part of original post, an image previewer, and a link shortening feature wherein any link posted automatically shortened to  22 characters. Another important function thus predicting what username or hashtag a person is trying to type during the tweet is also introduced.



Also, users having more than one Twitter account can move seamlessly between them by clicking the avatars appearing at the top of the panel. The twitter account that is in use is marked with a green check mark.


PinLeague Top Re-Pinners 

Without proper analytics tools, it becomes tough for managing social media engagement. But now with PinLeague, a Pinterest analytics platform, marketers can easily track and manage those who re-pin their organization’s content.


With PinLeague’s Top Repinners feature, marketers and brands can not only see who has re-pinned an item, but also get detailed insights on these users and the items they have re-posted. This data can be further broken down by user or grouped together for more summary purposes.


Android Google+ Update

Last week, Virgil Dobjanschi announced that Google social network will be adding and removing some of its mobile features. Android users using the Google+ app feature will observe few differences during this next update.


An important update attached to Google+ 4.1 is that Messenger is being phased out in favor of Google Hangouts enabled with its own messaging feature. Users who need to transfer their Messenger information over to Hangouts can do efficiently using Google Takeout.



Other important features includes switching between multiple user accounts, addition of a pull to refresh content feature, adding city level or pinpoint location, accessing and sharing photos and videos from Google Drive. The updated app now fully supports Google+ for business.

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