
Writing relevant articles and submitting them to hundreds of article directories or resources was considered an effective SEO practice, with which you could get some quick links back to your site. This helped in improving the website’s performance in search results. But, is article submission still an affective link building tactic. After the Panda and Penguin update, article submissions is one of the activities SEOs have been parted their way with.


Below are some reasons why article submission is a poor link building tactic and why we should publish our best articles on our own site as opposed to article sites:

  • By submitting the articles to article submission websites, we will be getting the backlinks for the article site and not for our own site.
  • The articles submitted to article submission websites, if attracts links from other websites, blogs etc., then they will be going to the article sites and not to our site.
  • Search engine traffic for our published article will go to article site and the chances of the visitor clicking our website’s link will be very less as a visitor may just stick to the article site for the information he/she is looking for.
  • If the article is great, then it would better serve the purpose if it is read by the visitor of your own website, but if it is put on the article site, it would not be of any use.
  • There are very less article sites which are trusted by the search engines, so the backlinks from these sites will hold little if any weight.


How to get traffic by submitting an informative article:

  • Publishing informative articles on the website and sharing them on social media and press release sites etc. is a great tactic to get traffic for the website.
  • Articles create backlinks to the site, which increases page rank. Articles have the ability to be republished on multiple sites, creating more links to the site as more sites share your article. These links hold greater value in search engines and can also get traffic for the website than other backlinks.
  • Reaching more people through good article will create more traffic for the site, especially by creating a credible and intelligent article.
  • Article syndication and sharing on social media channels is very important for SEO purpose, but the content must be unique and relevant. And it must not be submitted in too many article directories.
  • Write relevant articles that are packed with information. If the articles are relevant, it will improve the branding as an author, as well as the site itself. The more unique content, the higher search ranking can be.
  • The title of the article is the key, but so is the “title” tag in your HTML. It is crucial you include in the title tag, keywords pertaining to the site.
  • Search engines and readers look at the first paragraph as the most important part of an article. We can get their attention by putting all of the best information there. Use personality to ensure it’s fun to read, but don’t give too much away. We do not want readers to click away from the article before they are finished.
  • Maintain a high quantity of article submissions. When posting articles to places such as blog networks, be sure to remain consistent. In order to adequately promote just one keyword, we have to submit a large amount of articles that contain the keyword. If the keyword is competitive, we must submit at least five articles to the directories and ten to public blog networks. For private blog networks, try to submit at least fifty posts for a good ranking.


The success of any website is majorly dependent on the quality of its content. All the time and energy creating a website will be futile if the content on website provides very little value to its visitors. Poor content also hinders your SEO efforts. Humans are really smart at figuring out poor content and the search engines are getting better at this too. Google’s entire business model is based on serving quality content and displaying advertising around it. In order to help the website produce better optimized results, certain targeted keyword based articles should be written. Depending upon the factors such as quality of the article & value of its information, the number of readers may just start to increase. With increasing visitors, the website’s popularity will also start to increase & influence the site’s ranking on search engines.


ISHIR, one of the leading SEO Service provider, specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Services with intense assessment at the flaws of the existing website and ensures that not even a single will remain to get in the way to the process of search engine optimization with Affordable SEO services, Social Media Marketing, professional SEO service, Content Development.



  1. Abhay says:

    Wow , what a list! There are so many writing opportunities out there and thank you for compiling them for us.

  2. Ravin says:

    Thank you for your useful information.

  3. Rohit says:

    Thanks for providing a genuine article submission. I have registered some of these websites. These are 100% genuine information. All sites are working.

  4. Raja says:

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