
As Google continues to expand its advertising solutions, it transformed the face of retargeting for online businesses this June with the release of a new ad feature, Dynamic Remarketing. This new dimension bestowed to Google Remarketing is being seen by the industry experts as one of the best releases from Google in a long time and is considered a MUST DO for all websites that are advertising with Google. 


In this post, we aim to develop a thorough understanding of what is dynamic remarketing, how it works, and why you should care.


Dynamic Remarketing- Understanding the Concept


Every buyer is unique. Dynamic remarketing takes this into account and allows you to automatically create beautiful customized ads that connect with shoppers by reminding them of products they have seen or bought in the past on your site, and suggesting other items they might like.


To talk about Google remarketing, it is important as it allows you to convert your potential customers into buyers. However, it requires you to manually create unique ads for each one of your products for the purpose. Imagine what if you deal in 50,000 products? Are you going to create 50,000 unique image ads? This is certainly not a wise thing to do.


Google’s new Dynamic Remarketing feature (still in beta), simplifies this costly, and time-consuming process by automatically creating unique ads for each one of your products based on a pre-determined template that you customize to meet your branding needs. These ads usually include a particular product’s price, image, and text of your choice; all based on the behavior of your website visitors. This seems pretty interesting, as there’s no more dealing with creative, and more significantly, you can reach your customers based on the products they were interested in when they visited your site in the past. But how does dynamic remarketing actually works?


Dynamic Remarketing- How it Works?


Here’s how it works:


Link your Google Merchant Account with your Adwords Account, which you may have previously linked while setting up your Product Listing Ads.


Set up a customized Remarketing Tag on each page of your website that will collect Product Identification numbers and the type of page people visited.


Set up an audience to target, and define your list of users.


Set up your ad by choosing and creating your ad format using the Display Ad Builder.


Dynamic Remarketing- Why You Should Care?


Google has some great results coming out of the beta test that it conducted on some of its Google Merchant Center users. For instance, Sierra Trading Post, a U.S. retailer of outdoor clothing and gear, saw two times higher click-through rates and a five times higher conversion rate when compared to previous remarketing campaigns.

But, to give you a deeper understanding of the benefits this amazing ad feature, here’s a look at some of the top reasons regarding why you should care about dynamic remarketing:


Easy to Build Professional-Looking Ads: The advent of dynamic remarketing by Google has made it quick and easy to build beautiful, creative, and professional-looking dynamic ads for your Google remarketing campaigns. Without much effort, this new ad feature enables you to deliver targeted messages to your previous site visitors.


More Control on Your Remarketing Efforts: While there are companies out there that offer remarketing options similar to dynamic remarketing, you can now do it all yourself within AdWords without any additional fee on top of your clicks. You will have more control on your remarketing efforts, and will witness great returns.


Maintain the Feel of Your Site: Customize your remarketing ads based on past interactions with a customer, such as previously seen items or abandoned shopping carts, and continue maintaining the feel of your site.


Adjust Bids Based on Visitor Variables: Since Google Dynamic Remarketing is feed based, you can easily change make feed changes and add labels to target different variables (gender, age, etc.) of visitor groups.


The Bottom Line


It is clear to see that dynamic remarketing for Google Adwords is a great tool for websites, especially e-commerce sites, to easily remarket products to potential customers, and increase the clickthrough rate, reduce advertising costs, and increase revenue. It will be a key factor determining the future success of any website, and if you don’t get in the game, you will lag behind.


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