
Mobility has become a reality which no enterprise can ignore; also, mobile devices have become a fundamental part of the business eco system. Enterprise end users have now become highly mobile, using smartphones to access corporate data and get work done from anywhere. This is the reason enterprises today are constantly attempting at exerting some control over the types of applications that users need to access data, and mobile enterprise application is just that control that can lead enterprise IT to deliver the productivity tools and data access that mobile users demand.


According to a study conducted by industry experts, presently more than 40% of U.S. enterprises are exploring a mobile road map strategy with retail, manufacturing, professional services, and the public sector. But, is the methodology of developing enterprise mobile application same like other app development? If not, what is the right approach that you need to consider to get mobile apps into the enterprise domain? Here are some factors that you must consider while choosing an enterprise mobile development methodology:




The procedures seen in typical application development should extend to mobile apps as well. However, note that as enterprise mobile application is coming into force, it has been predicted by industry experts that mobile app testing may now be more complicated than traditional software testing. This is because testing would account for a host of mobile platforms, operating systems and devices on which an application needs to run.


Mobile Security


Remember that the key area of concern for any user using enterprise mobile apps is the mobile security. Therefore, it is important that companies apply the same basic set of security practices that they have long applied to desktop and laptop applications to cover enterprise apps as well.


Mobile Development Allied with Business Architecture


Note that the main impact from mobility does not come by using mobile as a way to access your website. To provide users with an outstanding mobile experience, you need applications that are allied with your business architecture and IT infrastructure.




Feedback is a key to determining if applications really provide value to users. Also it is a key to find out areas that could be improved in future updates. However, remember that just because an app has been downloaded several times, it does not mean it is useful for users. You need to determine facts like whether users are using the app after installing it, how often are they using it, and what impact has the app put on employees’ jobs to know the real value of the app.



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