

Microsoft has detailed a huge amount of changes that will be coming in the new Windows 8.1 update- the first big update to the Windows 8 since its launch. While the update is likely to release officially in the month of April, the exact official release date is yet to be provided by the software makers.


Most of the changes in the update are designed to making the desktop experience superior for keyboard and mouse users. Let’s have a close-up of the key changes you can expect in the update:


Power and Search Buttons Shifted on the ‘Start’ Screen

One of the most significant enhancements done in the Windows 8.1 OS is that both the power and search buttons that used to be on the Charms menu have been shifted to the Start screen. This would really help in enhancing the desktop experience for mouse users.


Tile interface and Desktop to Use the Same Background

The next enhancement that has been made to the Windows 8.1 is that now the Tile interface and the desktop will both use the same background. It is a big change as the switch between interfaces will no more feel as abrupt. Windows 8.1 can also be set so the system starts up on the desktop rather than in the Tiles start menu.


Slideshow on the Lock Screen

While using Lock screen to show pictures of your family may seem exciting, using this feature is now possible for you with the latest Windows 8.1 update. In Windows 8.1, you can now turn your system or tablet into a picture frame by making your Lock screen a slideshow of your pictures. Not only this, with this update you now even have the ability to take pictures with the built-in camera right from the Lock screen without having to log in.


Access to Pin Modern UI Apps to Desktop Taskbar

While Windows 8.1 update is aimed at softening the rigid boundaries between the Modern UI and Windows desktop, as a major enhancement Microsoft has now given the access to pin Modern UI apps to the desktop taskbar, and see a preview of a Modern-style app by taking the cursor over its icon.


Skype Messenger Embedded into the OS

With the Windows 8.1 update, it is now possible to initiate Skype calls directly from the contact list or Internet Explorer. This is because its messenger has now been embedded directly into the OS; however, it can be turned off whenever you want.





  1. Tina says:

    Its always creating problem whenever I want to change the product key of the Windows 8.1 and I don’t know what should I do for this If anyone has an idea then please suggest me and give me the unique product key.

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