
As mobile adoption accelerates exponentially, and data shows people spending more than six hours a day,  browsing websites and absorbing information via their laptops, PC’s, tablets, mobile and/or TV’s.

Today, over 50% of mobile users spend nearly a hundred minutes on their mobile, not considering the amount of time on calls.

Enhancing a site’s search and targeting mobile users is essential for companies to consider nowadays. Here are some basic suggestions one should take into consideration when designing for mobile.

Quick and Easy Search

People want information fast, correct, and as effortlessly as possible. To give users the best possible mobile experience, companies have to be able to understand a consumers needs and desires before the customers even think about it.

For instance, when people try to reach Facebook site via Google search, the result will instantly show below the search box right after tying the first letter. Users will rely on your site, once they are able to find accurate information in their every time visit. Better than this, people love to share good tools which are able to show others their good sense of life. Word-of-mouth marketing can lead company to reach more potential customers and build more loyalty customers.

Simple Navigation

Users do not like overly complicated sites, especially when using mobile devices. It is best to ensure your navigation is simple, and for sites with a lot of content, have a simple, yet effective search feature, allowing your customers to easily find what they are looking for.

Some points to consider are

  • Minimize scrolling, keeping ti vertical only. Help users navigate between levels by having “Back” and “Home” buttons.
  • Stay away from banners, as these are bothersome for users and people tend to drop off sites with excessive banner presence.

Real Time Information

Mobile users are almost always short on time and multi-task as they go about their day. To make it easy for the, when they are on your site, design it in such a way, that ensures it loads quick, the copy is spaced well to help them read thru the content easily.

Users have very little patience, and once they realize they are spending more than 3 seconds for a page to load, there is a good chance, and they will drop of the site.

Take ecommerce sites for example, where the importance of ensuring real time inventory is never neglected. Shopping site will lose sales and loyalty in situations where customers realize that items they are looking to purchase, are no longer available.

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