
As mobile adoption accelerates exponentially, and data shows people spending more than six hours a day, browsing websites via their laptops, PC’s, tablets; websites have to adapt to the scalability that mobile devices offer.

Today, over 50% of mobile users spend nearly a hundred minutes on their mobile. Let’s face it, leaving your house without your mobile devices would be unimaginable. So, enhancing a site’s search to target mobile users is essential for companies to consider nowadays. Here are some basic suggestions one should take into consideration when designing for mobile devices.

  Improvements to On-site User Experience

Quick and Easy Search

People want information fast, correct, and as effortlessly as possible. To give users the best possible mobile experience, companies have to be able to understand a consumers needs and desires.

Web presence is vital, as technology continues to advance it is important to maintain a user friendly website. Users will expect your site to find accurate information quick and easily like google offers. It is important to cut down content, while getting your key points across fast.

Simple Navigation

Users do not like overly complicated sites, especially when using their small mobile devices. No one wants to be squinting at a tiny screen hoping to stumble upon what they are looking for.  To best ensure your navigation is simple, have effective search features, allowing your customers to easily find what they are looking for without all the hassle.

Real Time Information

Mobile users are almost always short on time and multi-task as they go about their day. Making mobile deceives their go to option.  To make it easy for them make sure your site is well designed, simple, well organized, and will load quickly.  This will help ensure your website is mobile friendly.

Some points to consider are

  • Know your audience, and what exactly their intent is on their mobile device
  • Keep it practical, users don’t want to waste time familiarizing themselves
  • Minimize scrolling, keeping the website screen accessibility only vertical
  • Think about how your content will be stacked to reorder itself on a mobile device
  • Stay away from banners, as these are bothersome for users and people tend to drop off sites with excessive banner presence.
  • Communicate with color, use color to communicate information effectively


With more and more people spending time using their mobile devices for web search, you will want to make sure your costumers can get all the goodness they want faster and quicker on the mobile site. These tips will help optimize your site and decrease the chance for a bad mobile experience that could damage a company’s brand.

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