
AdWords had announced the launch of some enterprise-grade tools in its BlogSpot on April 22, 2014. The tools are specifically meant for businesses that aim at managing and scaling the performance of their campaigns effectively.


Some of the highlights of these new tools meant for improving the experience of marketers through AdWords include:


Bulk Actions: Bulk editing capabilities in ad extensions and settings (like targeting and/or ad rotation) is one of the coolest features, which AdWords is about to launch. These changes seem to make little difference to accounts having limited number of campaigns, but to accounts with thousands of campaigns, they would matter the most. The feature would be useful for big seasonal promotions, where manual editing would take an eternity to make changes.


Advanced Reporting: Initially, to analyze the data in graphical manner, marketers were required to download the data into an excel sheet and then needed to turn them into graphs or tables etc. for analysis. However, with the launch of this new tool, AdWords would now impart the data visualization capabilities for multi-dimensional data analysis right into their AdWords interface. And this would enable you to download the data directly without any need to process it separately.


Experimental Campaigns: Well, not exactly the term coined by AdWords, but this capability would allow you create a pseudo-campaign for analyzing the effects of changes made in the campaign as an experimental trial. You can try almost all its features including bidding, new keywords, and different campaign setting and make a wise decision to create the best scenario for an optimized performance.


Automated Bidding: Although it is an already existing feature in AdWords, the technical team at AdWords has added an extension to this feature to automatically bid according to your performance measuring metrics. You can either choose to automatically bid to maximize your number of conversion or total the value of conversion, in other words, cost per acquisition.


With that said, these changes can boost as well as influence the decision-making capabilities of marketers in order to improve the performance of their accounts.




  1. Pratibha Mall says:

    Thanks, I really liked your blog.

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