Social Media over the last decade has exploded and will continue to do so. It is hard to imagine life before AIM, Twitter and Facebook. The rapid development of new forms of social media has changed the way businesses market their brands. The question now for most businesses is how to execute a strategy to effectively use social media. We all make mistakes as Marketers, so here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind for social media etiquettes that will help drive awareness for a profitable marketing strategy.
5 Social media marketing Do’s
#1 Think outside the box- It is important to be innovative, know the trends and experiment with different ways to market information on social networks. Make your posts stand out with originality.
#2 Acknowledge and Interact- Finding a balance between appropriate interaction and content can be difficult at times, but, it is imperative to take time off to respond to your clients to show you care. Take some time to comment and interact with your current and prospective clients.
#3 Do your homework– It is important to know your audience and what social media networks they are using. Find out what audiences look more at certain sites and what they are interested in. Share the posts that relates to them and relevant to their niche.
#4 Be Searchable– Just like a website, your social media should have the same concept. It’s important how much buzz is there about your brand in the online world. The higher the mention of brand, higher the chances of people stumbling upon it and eventually landing on your business website.
#5 Repost the right way- Saving time is always a positive, but when it comes to social media spitting out the same information over and over will not work. Be sure to change elements in your post to target new areas, so as to give your audience different information from time to time.
Social Media Marketing Don’ts
#1 Being Spam– It may be difficult to find the right balance between posting too much and posting too little. No one enjoys getting an overload of spam, so don’t drown your customers in unnecessary information.
#2 Expiration date– It is important that once you set up an account, you commit to utilizing that platform. It looks worse if you set up accounts that do not hold any purpose. You have to spare some time for your accounts to see positive results.
#3Not knowing what people want- Try to offer information that can solve problems for your business prospects. It is important that the information you are sharing is helpful, intuitive and not dull. If your posts are dull and uneventful it is likely your results will be the same.
#4 Misusing different features– Whether it is a hashtag, @, or picture it is important to know what these features offer and what impact they make when used properly. Understand the social media platforms. For example if you want to drive business to your website use networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
#5 Never Proofreading- Even though social media is casual, you always want to promote a good image. Take couple of minutes to proofread your work before publishing it for the whole world to see.
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