

Instagram for Businesses

Instagram has been the latest trend for last couple of years. Since, its inception in 2010, it shows no sign of slowing down; in fact, Instagram’s growth is rampant There are currently about 200 million monthly active users on Instagram. Instagram is not only about the cool pictures people post but it can also be extremely beneficial for your business. Instagram gives you the perfect opportunity to show a more personable side, outside of your business. Once you start using Instagram you open yourself up to a whole new demographic. The other benefit of Instagram is that it is a social network too.Just like other social networking sites Instagram also offers many features like:

  • Follow- You can interact with a whole new network of people just by following them,
  • Comment- Here also you can comment on the pictures of people who you follow.
  • Follow your Business Partners- You can follow your business partners, this will keep you updated personally as well as professionally
  • Like & Share- You can like and share the pictures of your friends or followers..
  • Video-sharing- Along with the photo sharing you can also upload and share any video within your network.
  • Connect with other social networks- As Instagram is connected to Facebook and Twitter so this makes it extremely easy to connect with all other social networking sites without having to go through the hassle of starting a new social network.


After all, all the social networking sites are a platform to build relationships and meet people. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so posting pictures that get costumers involved and excited is a sure way to drive engagement. Start today and make Instagram the next big social media trend businesses would like to explore.


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