
In this Covid19 lockdown situation, where many businesses are working remotely, many are left with no option but to shut the business for sometime(or permanently). During these difficult times, the outsourcing is the new normal. If your company’s growth is software dependent and your internal IT team has too many things on their plates, you should think of outsourcing your software development.

Software development outsourcing can reduce minimize the operational cost in the development process of your business. Apart from profit maximization, when you engage in software development outsourcing, your firm becomes exposed to professional expertise, timely delivery of projects and efficiency in the mode of execution of jobs. Software development outsourcing services enhance customer service and experience and also maintains the quality of products even on a tight budget.

There are a couple of ways through which outsourcing software development helps your business and they are as follows:

1. Lower Costs: A lot of people outsource their software development services just to cut cost, and it is a very smart move. Outsourcing can reduce development cost by up to 70% compared to when you are relying totally on your in house team. For startups or small businesses, this is an effective way to get your product and name into the market.

2. Get Professional Services: software development company that offer software development outsourcing services always deal with professionals in the field, through outsourcing, you will gain access to the best and smartest IT and technology professionals that will perform your software development professionally, but then, remember to interview them before working with them.

3. Work with a Managed Team: when you have an in house team, you need managers, but when you are working with a set of outsourced professionals, you don’t need to bother about hiring a manager, the outsourcing company does the work for you. You will still have your in house management to guide them through the project but the daily compliance is done by the outsourcing company.

Software Outsourcing Company

4. Get Your Time Back: performing the marketing, administrative and software development of your company can be a lot of tasks and at times like this, time becomes a limitation, with software development outsourcing, you have a little to worry about, you can focus on marketing your product and giving yourself a good head start over your competitors.

Software Development Company

5. Spend Less Time on Support: writing software is not the end of the exercise, there are situations like bugs and downtimes that needs continuous support, maintenance and updating of the software. With outsourcing, all these are going to be maintained by the outsourcing company while you attend to the administrative tasks in your company.

6. Hire Globally: it is challenging to find a bunch of professionals in one locality, so at times where there is understaffing of professionals needed to develop a software project, outsourcing becomes your best bet, with outsourcing you will be able to hire handpicked professionals all over the world and the amazing thing is that searching and hiring such expertise locally is usually more expensive to do.

Hire Software Developers Dallas

7. Incubate with Less Risk: through outsourcing beginners or small businesses can enjoy the benefits of incubating without having to bear the cost of relocating their team. Your outsourced team will still review and offer support to your business despite you not having an in house team.

8. Access to Latest Technology: Reputable outsourcing companies makes use of cutting edge technology. They are conversant with the latest languages, frameworks, and development tools and they can make helpful recommendations for your project. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on software and training, allow those who already have the skills to do it for you.

9. Get Access to Experienced Developers: outsourcing companies work towards spending the shortest possible time on any development project that they are working on, this means that they use experience developers, people who have done that job severally and have mastered all the steps involved, reputable vendors have put in years of combined pieces of training and hard work which gives them greater understanding of how the system works and with this experience, they can make useful recommendations on what will fit your business model more appropriately.

10. Flexibility and Speed: after all said and done, speed and flexibility is the key point in any outsourced task. Not all startups are the same, and this is one fact that software outsourcing companies understand, they offer different options so that if one looks slow, there can be an immediate switch to plan B. for instance, a good software outsourcing company will tell you that you can save time and money by hiring a separate team for each of your projects. Or, if you plan on outsourcing long-term, you’ll likely benefit from a dedicated team that stays with you across projects giving you options to choose from in order to achieve the same goal.


Outsourcing is a fast-growing industry and to that effect, many people are running into it blindly, it is important that before you outsource your software development, you define the need for which you are hiring them and then, do a thorough search of the company you want to make use of. When you get your team, interview and select the best to avoid falling into the hole you tried to jump over.

If you want to explore more about Software Outsourcing Services, you can speak to one of our outsourcing experts.


  1. Benedikt Böhm says:

    The article has rightly pointed out that outsourcing is a one word answer to business challenges as it reduces internal cost and companies can focus on core competencies.

  2. Aroob Ali says:

    If Companies don’t have expertise in a specific project or part of the project, they decide to outsources that part or project to the companies who are specialized experts in that field.

    Usually, I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job. Keep it up. Thanks for sharing a knowledgeable article. It takes a lot of time to write such a useful article. Keep it up.

  3. Alan Edwards says:

    In-house software development is a perfect process since it allows a company to design and produce the solution they exactly need.

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