
Every year advancements and restructuring in software product development technologies are changing existing trends. The business of new software technologies like cross-platform app development, blockchain development, machine learning, etc. is getting enhanced worldwide constantly.

Here are the top software development trends in 2020 that need your focus. So, let’s explore them in detail

1. Low Code Development

This trend brings coding out of the programmer’s hand by making coding much less labor and time-intensive, this is done by having Low-Code. Low-Code development utilizes pre-built code making coding much easier with its drag and drop process. The main advantage of this type of coding is the time-to-market, which would usually take days to create can now be created in a single day.

2. Cloud Computing

With the evolution of cloud computing expected to continue in 2020, Cloud services like Google, AWS, and Microsoft Azure are promoting more cloud computing processes. Many enterprises are embracing the hybrid and serverless cloud architecture to lower the operational costs and to support different applications.

3. Progressive Web Applications(PWA)

Progressive Web applications are a mix between mobile applications and web applications, offering a seamless experience across multiple devices. While, browser script enables more offline functionality, smart caching, background updating, push notifications and more features that these progressive web applications(PWA) offer.

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4. Instant Applications

 Instant applications were introduced all the way back in 2016, Instant applications have features of an app but run like a website. No download is needed to access this app, which means it will save the memory of the device. Instant applications are primarily used by Mobile app developers for testing purposes, these developers launch the instant app to test their mobile apps prior to their launch. These applications are usually smaller in size and offer a better user experience.

Another advantage of these apps is that these apps can provide better conversion rates. So looking strategic importance, it is expected that there will be a significant rise in a number of instant apps in 2020 and beyond.


5. 5G Network

With the recent expansion of the 5G network which is a hundred times faster when compared to the old industry standard of the 4G network. Some advantages that 5G offers vs 4G is increased data security, along with the increased security VR app development like 3D gaming will also significantly improve alongside AR-enabled applications.

6. Artificial Intelligence

AI will be a big component in the upcoming year, Artificial Intelligence has slowly been gaining more and more traction. According to an article by HackerNoon, in a recent survey, 84% of respondents said that they think the implementation of AI can provide them with a competitive edge over competitors. This technology along with other emerging technologies like machine learning and deep learning has a large number of applications in every industry.

Many custom software developers are beginning to use Artificial Intelligence(AI) in business, and as per Forbes, in 2020 it’s expected that we will start to see AI built to tackle hard, meaningful problems; AI built to help us humans do what we cannot, as opposed to simply attempting to mimic our abilities.

AI Development Services Dallas

7. Python

Python has begun to take the programming world by storm, by having python in everything from Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Data Process, and Web Development which has seen a significant rise in 2019 and expected to see an even further rise in 2020. In a popular programming language ranking site, Python is placed as the third most popular programming language right behind Java and C.

8. Edge Computing

With the significant rise in cloud computing and large adoption from Amazon, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, it has its own issue that these companies are slowly working out. Edge Computing is designed to help solve the shortcomings of Cloud Computing, By the end of 2020, the Edge Computing market is expected to reach $6.72 billion.

9. BaaS (Blockchain as a Service)

BaaS or Blockchain as a Service allows developers to link their cloud-enabled back-end space, this service is primarily used by businesses and enterprises. This service also enables features like push notifications, managing users on the app and connecting to the third-party cloud services.


10. Outsourcing Software Development

The software programming industry is growing at a very significant rate and the software development requirements are increasing in all domains. Businesses, which previously might not have needed a full-stack developer are now actively looking for full-stack developers in fields like software development, healthcare, and e-learning.


11. Code Quality

With low code development rising, as shown in trend one, the overall code quality is coming into focus, even companies that are hiring non-technical employees for programming software, but these companies are starting with a strong strategy for development to ensure the best possible coding is done.

12. Robotic Process Automation

Robotics Process Automation(RPA) is commonly used in automate business processes such as processing applications like replying to mail and dealing with data. RPA is commonly used in repetitive tasks, RPA may be taking the jobs of 230 million people, it’s also creating jobs as just 5% of jobs can be totally automated. Robotics Process Automation is to see a significant rise in 2020, as potentially more jobs are automated and create more jobs for project managers, business analysts and consultants.


13. Single Page Applications

For the recent trend in applications, People aren’t looking for applications packed with numerous amount of features instead liking simple UI designs, that load significantly faster. Currently, single-page applications are becoming much more popular, their applications allow you to load a single HTML page, updates dynamically and refreshes the information while the user is able to interact with the page itself.


14. Internet of Things

IoT or Internet of Things is a phrase that covers all devices currently connected to the internet. In the areas of safety and customer experience, IoT has seen exponential growth. In 2020, over 90% of all automobiles will be IoT enabled.

IoT Development Dallas Texas

15. Mixed Reality

VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) have seen extensive growth in the gaming and entertainment industry, but both of these technologies have already been implemented into training purposes at companies like the US Army and Walmart. Mixed Reality is a combination of both VR and AR, and Mixed reality has seen a gradual increase in the market in 2019, which is expected to continue in 2020.

If you are looking to build a custom software solution for your business, you should approach a software development company that works on the latest technology trends and implements the above technology stack.


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  2. Sutapa says:

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  3. meryanlucas says:

    Software development is the practice of organising the design and construction of software, the beating heart of much technology fundamental to our personal and professional life. Software development is a fast-moving discipline and as a software development professional you must be able to track its leading edge. You have listed a very nice software development trends which really helped me in my work. Keep sharing such an informative blog post. Thank you for this blog post.

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  9. Sonia says:

    Thanks for sharing the technology trends.

  10. Swarnali Adhya says:

    2020 has proven this decade will be dramatically different than the one before it with so much change and volatility. The new way of software development is going to hit the market of software and programming in 2021 and also in the coming future.

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