
Several months into a crisis that has now become a global nightmare, many activities are slowing down at a high rate due to the CoronaVirus pandemic. Economists warn of a looming drop in the economy of the world, thanks to the lock-down taking place. For businesses, small, medium and large, the future is uncertain. Many are anticipating massive drops in profits, which are most likely to be replaced by straining losses. While governments are trying to soften the blow, and give businesses a cushioned landing through economic stimulus packages, this may not be enough, yet.

IT Outsourcing Services

Some businesses are in the US already cutting down on local staff while some are deferring their planned IT projects for a more stable time and some are cancelling them indefinitely.  The savior for all such companies is still IT outsourcing. Business can still survive through IT outsourcing services and they are doing well. At ISHIR, no one of the ongoing offshoring projects has been stalled or stopped even for a day. Clients know in the trying times of the world, the opportunity lies in getting themselves prepared for the period when the economy bounces back and things get back to normal. If they wait for that now and stop all the investment, that may delay their dream IT products or process improvement tools even further.

As the reality of working from home is now the norm, many companies are starting to create provisions that will ensure this rule survives in the meantime.

India is one of the Asian nations with high population numbers and the silver lining is India is not as deeply impacted by COVID-19 as other leading software developing nations are. With over a billion people, the labor force, skilled and unskilled, is massive. This attribute led to its outsourcing industry success, which hit $181 billion recently. In line with this, many companies are outsourcing their IT departments to help keep operations going on during the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic.

Some services offered under the Indian outsourcing umbrella include airline reservations, insurance claims, trade settlements and other types of call centers for various functions. This helps to keep businesses everywhere alive, even as global lock-down is currently closing typical operations. In the wake of this widespread pandemic, here are some ways your business could benefit from an IT outsourcing company:

Cutting costs

The aim of a business, at any time, is cutting down costs, while maximizing profits. When you outsource your IT needs, you will initiate significant savings, which will help you keep your business sustainable. Now that we are going to an economic crisis soon, it would be best to brace yourself for tough times.

IT Outsourcing services

Choosing to use IT Outsourcing India means that most of your activities will go on remotely, even as governments implement lock-down. Unfortunately, many businesses ignore this at the expense of their survival. Besides, using a low-cost country such as India means that you will access quality services at a lower rate than you would have in your country. This, in turn, translates to saves of up to 60% or even more, which is quite necessary during these hard times. It also emanates the need to maintain infrastructure during the lock-down, when everyone is supposed to remain at home.

Keeps you an edge over the competition

Competition is present, even as the Corona-virus pandemic takes an upward trajectory. Businesses worldwide are struggling to make the most out of this crisis. Even though COVID-19 has crippled most activities, you can continue with some activities through Offshoring services.

Whether you need to use software development services or IT services, you can outsource for better results. It is not only cheaper for your business, but also ensures that you do not experience darkness during this uncertain lock-down period. This guarantees you a step above others in the market, who have their operations grounded until the outbreak is gone.

Maintains the same or even higher level of service

One of the most vital segments of any business is customer service. It is an integral sector, which can affect the survival of any enterprise. Customer service controls all other areas of business, almost entirely. Part of the reason why companies are outsourcing is that their service to customers is on its knees.

Increasing the turn-around time to the client ensures that you have a boosted productivity and customer satisfaction. Both are difficult to achieve now that lock-down has kept staff at home. This means that outsourcing can help you do it, and, at a lower cost. Loyal customers are the lifeblood of your business, and maintaining them needs outsourcing at this time.


Outsourcing services such as IT ensures that your business remains financially stable, especially during uncertain times in demand. Like the current state of affairs in the world, demand is undoubtedly bound to drop due to the Coronavirus. Offshore outsourcing ensures that you can run your business during this lock-down period. It also guarantees sustainability as you run the company, as you will save a lot more than doing all those activities locally.


Wrapping up, tough times do not last. However, it would be best to learn how to cope with challenges, rather than avoiding them in totality. You can still run your business remotely through outsourcing services. You can start with IT and customer care, which are integral parts of any business, as you also remember to work with a credible software development company.

In an uncertain and constantly changing world, ISHIR is here to help. With a wide range of services such as software development and maintenance, mobile and web application development, cloud computing, AI and machine learning and much more, ISHIR will help support all your business endeavors through this crisis and beyond.


  1. Scott says:

    When corona starts, everyone turns to outsource. The digital marketing industry was run by many outsourcing companies and it grows rapidly. Anyway, thanks for sharing this great effort

  2. Scott says:

    When corona starts, everyone turns to outsource. The digital marketing industry was run by many outsourcing companies and it grows rapidly. Anyway, thanks for sharing this great effort.

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