
What are we without our mobile phones! It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it’s the harsh truth- we are dependent on our mobile phones like no other thing. Owing to this fact, the mobile apps development industry is not just profiting but bustling, searching for the most unique and enticing idea that will amass them a tremendous number of buyers in the current times.

In the first quarter of 2020, Statistica published a report stating that the Google Play app store encompasses approximately 2.9 million apps. In contrast, Apple store has made 1.85 million mobile apps available to iPhone users. It seems pretty impossible with such gigantic figures to come up with an app idea that isn’t heard or thought of.

Are you looking for a unique app idea in 2023? We are glad that you found us!

Here are the 35 best app ideas for startups to help you figure out a direction in 2023. Why wait? Start reading to discover yours today.

1.Criminals Search App

Buying a house or apartment in a new locality is tough. Especially when you want to relocate with your entire family, many concerns regarding the area, neighbors, security and safety of loved ones, etc., emerge in our minds. A criminal search and scanner app can help individuals investigate the wanted criminals in a particular area and help them be prepared all the time.

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Source: Crime Criminal Search

2. Travelling Virtually

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It’s still difficult to believe how Coronavirus has locked everyone in four walls and left us with no choice but to wait for it to vanish. In such difficult times, an app that can take you on a virtual tour far away from brutal reality is the much-needed escape we all desire. Add the most visited destinations worldwide and include activities a person can enjoy virtually to provide them with the thrill of live touring.

3. Dating App

There are many dating apps present in the market today but are they as good as one expects them to be? Why do they fail to serve their practical utility? Why do people find them difficult to trust? Can you offer any advanced communication means and lessen the instances of catfishing through your app? Finding answers to these questions might help you create a secure and trustable dating app and help hundreds of people find their soulmates.

4. Find the song

Honestly, a song-finding app is not the most out-of-the-box idea. However, all the existing apps fail to recognize a song with just humming or lyrics correctly. One reason for this might be an attempt to make the app work for all genres and languages. You can make a song recognizing app that is language-specific and has different search options for distinct genres.

5. Dog meets

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An app for dog parents who love socializing with people and meeting their pups. You might also add features like – finding a place where you can take your dog out for a walk, an alert that shows all the dog-friendly cafes and parks in a particular locality, veterinary care centers, etc.

Interesting Read: Top 15 Emerging Technology Trends to watch in 2023 and beyond

6. What’s best in the area?

We all have experienced the hassle of going to a new place and not knowing what to do. Or where to get the best taste of the culture of that particular destination. An app that gathers reviews from visitors and provides information about-“what’s the best place to eat,” “what’s the best place to stay,” etc., would help many people.

7. Rent and wear

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All of us must have some article of clothing that we purchased by paying a fortune but hardly wear them in the coming future. Well, such clothes can still be used by someone else in need. An app that lets people connect, rent out their clothes for a specific period, and earn money could be helpful.

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8. App to make friends

When shifting to a new place, we always find ourselves alone for a job or maybe healthcare needs. Extroverts especially miss their outgoing lifestyle and crave some company. How about an app that lets you meet like-minded people, and you hang out with them on weekends. Such apps can help in forming lifelong bonds and make settling to a new place a little easy.

9. Online Tutoring

Tuitions and extra classes after schools are tiring and burden our little ones. Maybe you can develop an app where parents can find qualified tutors who are ready to teach online with flexible timings. Add some unique features like peer groups and study material zones to connect and share their notes.


10. Find a Venue and Planner

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Source: Wedding Spot

Finding a venue at the peak of the season is a backbreaking task. There is a shortage of qualified planners too. However, the whole search process could become a little less baffling with the help of an application that assists people in finding a perfect venue for them ahead of the season and furnishing choices of some of the best planners in that area.

11. App to find a guide for traveling ventures

Many people just want to break from their busy work lives and spend a weekend or two in an isolated place where they can appreciate nature. Why do you think they aren’t able to do it? One primary reason is – fear of getting in trouble. When we go on trips on faraway lands, we often get perplexed about the language, culture, people, and routes that are unknown to us. Having a native guide familiar with the place can help solve this problem for many traveling enthusiasts. You can consider making an app that connects local guides to people who wish to travel to their place.

12. Book lending App

Avid readers often find it difficult to store their purchased book once they have finished reading it, especially when they are students or have a compact house setup. Why not lend them to someone eager to read it? A book lending or exchanging app can serve as a boon for those who love reading. You can introduce different sections for distinct literary styles in your app to make the book searches convenient.

13. Home workout app

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Source: Net2

Home workout is in trend nowadays. Since the pandemic hit us hard and put a lock on all the gyms and fitness clubs, home workouts are our only way to remain in shape. However, people generally break their heads a lot to find a workout routine that suits their body type. You can take up the task of easing their work and create an application where they enter their desired duration, body type, and goals and match with a routine that checks all the boxes laid out by them.

14. Food journal

Since we are talking about fitness, how about an app that lets a person count the calories he consumed in a day? Such a program can also help him make a don’t chart and follow it strictly. If you want to level up the game a little more, build a platform where ordinary people can consult dieticians and nutritionists and get help in adopting healthy eating habits.

15. App for women security

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Many women’s safety apps are out there, but they are just limited to sharing live locations. You can develop a program that lets a woman save power buttons and alert them before entering a secluded area. By integrating the app with contacts available on the phone, this app can include sending automated messages to close connections about a user’s arrival or departure from their workplace.


16. Find me a household

With the festivals around the corner, everyone starts to panic. The situation becomes a little less bewildering with assistance from a household. But where to find them? An app that helps people connect with housekeepers and runs a background check on them, furnishing essential details about their identity is everything that one might need.

17. Finding a parking space

For the people who don’t like being caught in “parking situations,” an app that tells them about a free parking spot before reaching the area and the hourly charges for the same is equivalent to godsent aid.

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18. App to provide tips

This app would provide individuals with a platform to connect with experts or experienced people and ask them for tips regarding anything. For example, a startup CEO can ask for bits of advice from more prominent players of the business industry on proper management of his team or about practical measures to be adopted to overcome a slump.

19. Cooking app

Of Course, there are plenty of cooking apps already available in the market. What would make your application different? Are you going to make a region or cuisine-specific app? Is it intended for a specific section of the audience? Well, answering all these questions and a little brainstorming with your developer team might enable you to come up with a million-dollar idea for an excellent cooking app.

20. Stargazing app

Nothing’s more romantic than an old-school date night! Stargazing with your partner might sound like an old- worldly concept, but the truth is, it would never grow out of fashion. Why only date nights? Even a person interested in stars and extra-celestial bodies would love to spot and learn more about them with the help of your app. Therefore, an application that recognizes constellations and locates extraterrestrial bodies sounds like a promising idea.

21. Who said that?

Most of the literature and law students would agree with me when I state that finding the personality who quoted a famous dialogue is one step ahead of what we call tedious. Turning pages of the history and going through every event that led to the quote to understand the context is an arduous task. What if an app helps us in doing so? A searching platform for quotes? How cool is that!

22.  Recorder App

Carrying a notepad and pen everywhere is impossible. An artist tries to find inspiration in nature, and people might need something to record their observation while being on the go. An app that lets such a person record his ideas, both vocally and in writing, will benefit him a ton.

23. App to improve sleep routine

An app that connects with your pulse monitor and helps you check upon your sleeping behavior is a need of the hour. You can also add features like scheduling sleep, alarming a person when he isn’t getting even a 6-hour sleep in 24 hours, etc., to allow him to make necessary changes to rest his body adequately.

24. Period Tracking app

An app tracking the menstrual cycle of a woman can help them stay healthy. Working women often miss their periods due to stress and forget to take a break and consult a doctor. Such apps would let them know how their work schedule or lifestyle impacts their health and even alarm them about any unwanted complications.

25. Remember “our” dates

An app that reminds both the individuals in a relationship- the special dates marking the anniversary of specific occasions! Why just couples? You can make the app available for a group of friends or family. Where everyone shares the same calendar and can mark a date, set the alarm. People can also use it to set reminders at the same time for a special event that has happened (celebrating its anniversary) or is planned for the future.

26. Let’s watch together

Why not gift long-distance partners a platform where they can enjoy watching a movie together while being able to see and talk with each other? An app integrating video conferencing technology while playing the same film simultaneously on different and distant devices is going to work wonders for couples who live far away from each other.

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27. Religious gathering notifier

You can take up an idea like this to notify people about religious events and gatherings in their locality through their phones. Incorporate search features, location, and communication channels to let an individual connect with like-minded people and locate the church or place of gathering precisely.

28. GIF creator

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Source: Tipard

GIFs are in trend. They are funny and sometimes the most accurate way of expression. If Kim Kardashian’s recent GIFs are relatable to everyone, what if we can make our GIFs? An application that helps turn our favorite videos into small graphic interchange formats seems like a great idea in 2023.

29. Mark this location

An app that lets us mark the locations where we first met our best friend, proposed our partner, or had a good dining experience, and beeps every time we pass through the same place. It will help in refreshing our loving memories and urge us to re-live them again. Wouldn’t that be great?

30. Try-on App

To many people, trying on something new is a haunting experience. It can make them feel under-confident and demoralized. How about an app that lets them try on that outfit, makeup, tattoo, or hairstyle beforehand? It will boost their confidence and make the necessary changes without being put in an unpleasant situation.

31. Pocket money loan app

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Source: Indian Hot Deal

The app market is deluged with loan apps, but there are very apps that allow college students to take loans if you inspect closely. Even if they do, the documentation and furnishing prerequisites are cumbersome, that the whole purpose of the app falls apart. How can a student provide companies with surety? What if he doesn’t want to let anyone know about his condition? You can attempt to come up with an app that can serve such students. Try to work out an innovative method that doesn’t harass students in non-payment but ensures that payment is ultimately made, so your company doesn’t suffer the loss. How? Well, that’s what you have to figure out!

32. Lost and found

This idea is mainly for our clumsy mates who lose their stuff all the time and then go through inconveniences searching them while sharing their contact anywhere and everywhere. An app that allows the finder to connect with the seeker or vice-versa online will be an incredible feat. A location-wise search option would probably take your app to the next level.

33. Exchange your goods

No, I’m not saying this is a fresh idea. Many developer companies have tried to develop an app that connects people who want to barter away the stuff that isn’t useful for them anymore and exchange them for something else. However, these apps are too cluttered and confusing. How about you try coming up with an app that enhances the user’s experience and sorts the goods in appropriate categories to avoid unnecessary DM’ing between people whose interests are not even comparable.

34. Tuner app

Musicians and performers rarely forget to carry their main instrument anywhere ( we all have met that one charmer who plays the guitar on a lonely bench and attracts everyone’s attention). But they often fail to tune their instrument in advance. A musical instrument with strings, like a guitar or a ukulele, needs adjusting. A tuner app would be helpful for people who have just started learning the instrument and have to rush to the store every time the strings start to sound weird.

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35. Task Tracker old-worldly

The target audience for this app could be anyone. From working professionals and students to homemakers and older people, anyone can list the tasks they need to finish off in a day and get an alarm for the time they fixed for its performance. For example, an individual can set a time for medicine intake on his parents’ phone. If you miss out on something, the app can send automated or personalized messages to the other people involved.

Final words

The fear of an app not coming out as you expect it to is something that will not leave your head till the app gets accepted by its intended users. However, what you can do initially is think of an idea with a market in the current scenario and is sellable. The proficiency and expertise of your app development team will play a decisive role in determining the fate of the app. So, what’s next? Research on your idea, draft a layout, fuel it with technology, and you are all set to launch an innovative app.

Share with us if you have any mobile app ideas in mind, we would be happy to discuss that with you.



  1. John Roger says:

    If you want to conquer the app world, these are the best app ideas for startups . Thanks for sharing.

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