
The vision of people is changing with time. Nowadays, people are taking startups more seriously, and they are ready to leave their 9 to 5 jobs and start their startups. Unlike before, people are prepared to take risks. A Tech startup is a company that brings technology products or services for end-users. The best advantage of a tech startup is that it can be found by making proper application software and without investing any money initially. Though it poses some risk, with appropriate planning and unique ideas, a startup can grow into a successful business quickly. As a result, startups create more employment and growth. In the past few years, India has witnessed 50 thousand news startups where 3 tech startups were born every day.

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Technology is already blooming, and the COVID situation filled this tech field with more opportunities. Lockdown forces almost everything to go virtual. This has created a significant demand for new and better tech startups to emerge as market leaders. Tech startups can fill gaps created by distance. The best example of this is Zoom, an unparalleled leader in the video conferencing segment.

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So, if you are someone who is looking to forge an idea that will help them create a big start-up, this article is for you. Given below are 20 fantastic software ideas in 2021 to nurture a successful start-up. Let’s get right into it.

21 Fantastic Software Ideas in 2023:

Every person has their idea, but it’s about the urge for execution and its launch, making a start-up successful. Below are the top 20 fantastic software ideas:

1. Health Inspection Software:

This pandemic teaches people how important and crucial is personal health and hygiene. So software dedicated to this topic in this post-covid era can be an excellent choice and good tech start-up idea. A personal wellness software that will allow the user to monitor their health and notify accordingly can be a must-have software.

2. Meditation and Yoga Software:

The software which will remind users of yoga and meditation and promote personal well-being is in high demand. This pandemic makes people more health-conscious. So software that will allow the user to know about different yoga and meditation and their advantages and make them do this for a particular time can be a promising tech startup.

3. Diet Control Software:

Making a proper diet can be very difficult for an average person. It can be time-consuming as well. So software that will show all the nutrition value of foods and fruits and help users make a proper diet chart according to his or her health, weight, and age can be an excellent tech startup idea.

4. E-learning Software:

As the pandemic forced physical presence at schools, the study cannot stop as the world noticed an increase in the demand for online study portals. Apart from this, different online courses are helping students to understand in a better way and learn other things. So an e-learning portal with the course structure, syllabus, tests, quizzes, and more can be a good choice for users. So if one is thinking of starting a tech startup, an e-learning program should be considered.

5. Medical Software:

This type of software is in high demand in this infectious situation. Experts estimate that by 2025 the medical software market will cross 11 billion USD. So this is an excellent opportunity to make medical software that can help people order medicine online, consult with doctors, find alternate medication if one is unavailable, etc. There are many more healthcare software ideas to look for.

6. Business Communication System:

As nowadays all the business-related meetings are taking place virtually, it is an excellent time to grab this opportunity and make software which will help the business communication without harming security and privacy. Therefore, this type of software can be a promising tech startup.

7. Media and Entertainment Software:

Media and entertainment is a field that will never get old. People need free time to enjoy entertainment. A digital solution that allows users to customize their choices and find better content can be a good choice. Design software that allows any media company to showcase their content and grab more viewers can also be a good choice. So media and entertainment software can be a good tech startup idea.

8. Banking and Finance Related Software:

Banking is a critical sector that gets a massive push to get online because of this pandemic and lockdown. Almost all the transactions are happening online now. This scenario increases the need for a mobile app for financial transactions and payments. So an easy-to-use and secure software can be a promising tech startup.

9. Screen Recording Software:

All the classes, business meetings, and other meetings are happening online, So screen recording software can be a popular one that will allow the user to record the screen hassle freely.

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10. Hotel Booking Software:

People love to travel. And this lockdown makes people more travel lovers. Hotel businesses already suffer a considerable loss because of this pandemic, which increases the demand for hotel booking software. So a proper plan and design with some good features like finding good, cheap, hygienic hotels, finding parking facilities, surroundings, sanitation, and other facilities can make hotel booking software popular and profitable.

11. Travel Planner Software:

Software that will allow and help users plan their vacation can be a good choice for all travel lovers. The travel planner app allows the user to choose a destination from a wide range of variety. In addition, it helps users to plan budget-friendly vacation trips and gives information about exclusive spots to visit.

12. Security Check Software:

When data breaches become a daily incident, it is essential to secure the data. So software that will check the security of gadgets and block unwanted access from outside can be a promising tech startup.

13. Speech to Text Converting Software:

People like the software which will allow them to cut down their work pressure. So a speech-to-text converter software that will enable the user to make any text file just by speaking can be an excellent tech startup idea.

14. Picture to Text Converter Software:

Software that will allow the user to get the text from a particular picture and edit the text can be prevalent. So a tech startup in this field can be a good choice.

15. Text to Speech Converter:

Software that will read out the text file written by the user or someone else can also be good and popular. One can work on this idea and can build a successful tech startup.

16. Language Converter Software:

Software that will adequately change the text from one language to another can be helpful. This idea can make a promising tech startup.

17. E-Commerce Software:

E-commerce business has fantastic potential, and it is increasing sharply. The tech startup in this field also has good potential. One just needs to design an e-commerce software with proper functions properly.

18. Graphic Designing Software:

Nowadays, graphic designers are in high demand, so do graphic designing. So software that will allow the user to do their graphic designing easily with professional touch can get famous in no time. So it can be a promising tech startup at this time.

19. Video, Audio, and Picture Editing Software:

The demand for good quality video, audio, and picture causes a high need for good and easy-to-use editing software. Therefore, proper, professional, and easy-to-use editing software can be a popular tech startup.

20. Gaming Software:

Last but not least, miniature gaming is undoubtedly an excellent idea for formulating your best tech startup. Online gaming is booming like never before, and it’s gaining a significant number of users every day. So a properly planned, well-designed, and exciting game application can become a favorite of users in no time. So gaming software is a fantastic tech startup idea.

21. Task Monitoring Software:

The idea to streamline the monitoring and tracking of everyday activities. Considering our busy schedules, it becomes impossible to keep a track of our daily meetings, events, and appointments. To overcome this problem, the software will concentrate on creating a weekly Task Alerting System that can remind users of all the tasks and appointments that are scheduled for the day.

Interesting Read: 10 Best Productive Mobile Apps for Scaling Your Business in 2022


This era of technology brings vast potential for tech startups. The government also wants to double the number of startups. So this is the time when one should step into the field of a successful tech startup. A proper plan, design, risk management, and good quality are all to land a successful tech startup. There are a lot of possibilities in this field as well. And as many tech startups do not even need any extra money, it can be helpful as the best place to check their luck.

A good idea is precious. ISHIR being a software development company helps its clients’ to bring the concept into reality. So if anyone gets a promising tech startup idea, the time is now. Drop us a line!


  1. Allenr Evan says:

    Fantastic software ideas, good job, and thanks for sharing such a good blog.

  2. Douglas Fuller says:

    keeping in mind this year, the software ideas mentioned in the post can be explored. Thanks for the post.

  3. Angela says:

    Thanks for sharing the informative blog.

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